
The fridge dormancy method is a technique used to induce dormancy in Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula) during the winter months. This process mimics the natural conditions that the plant experiences in its native habitat, where winters are characterized by lower temperatures and reduced sunlight. By subjecting the plant to a period of dormancy, it helps promote overall health and longevity.

During dormancy, the Venus flytrap undergoes a period of rest and reduced growth. The process involves several key steps to ensure the plant's well-being:

Preparing the plant: Before initiating dormancy, it is important to ensure that the Venus flytrap is healthy and in good condition. Remove any dead leaves or debris from the plant and gently clean the traps to prevent the accumulation of mold or pests.

Reducing light exposure: Venus flytraps naturally experience decreased sunlight during winter. To replicate this, gradually reduce the amount of light the plant receives over a period of a few weeks. This can be achieved by moving the plant to a dimly lit location or using shading techniques.

Lowering temperatures: Lowering the temperature is a critical factor in inducing dormancy. Place the Venus flytrap in a refrigerator with temperatures maintained between 35°F (1-3°C) and 50°F (10°C). Ensure that the plant is not exposed to freezing temperatures, as it can cause irreversible damage.

Adjusting watering: During dormancy, the Venus flytrap requires less water. Reduce the frequency of watering while ensuring that the soil remains slightly moist. Overwatering should be avoided, as it can lead to root rot.

Monitoring and maintenance: While the plant is in dormancy, regularly check its condition. Inspect the plant for any signs of disease or pests and address them promptly. Maintain the appropriate moisture levels in the soil, and periodically check the plant's health by gently tugging on the leaves to ensure they are still firmly attached.

After a period of approximately 3-4 months, typically from November to February, the Venus flytrap will naturally emerge from dormancy. At this point, gradually increase the amount of light and return the plant to normal room temperatures. Resume regular watering and feeding routines to support its growth and development.

By following the fridge dormancy method, Venus flytrap owners can provide their plants with the necessary resting period required for their long-term health and vigor. It is essential to research and understand the specific needs of Venus flytraps to ensure successful implementation of dormancy techniques.

Feeding a Venus Flytrap

To feed a Venus flytrap and trigger the hairs to start the digestive process, follow these steps:

Select appropriate prey: Choose small insects such as fruit flies, gnats, ants, or freeze-dried mealworms that are small enough to fit within the traps of the Venus flytrap.

Soak freeze-dried mealworms: When using freeze-dried mealworms as prey, soak them in distilled water until they become rehydrated and soft. This makes them easier for the Venus flytrap to digest.

Trigger all three trigger hairs: To initiate the trapping response, simultaneously and gently touch all three trigger hairs inside the trap with the prey or a small object. This will stimulate the Venus flytrap to close its trap.

Squeeze the Fly Trap 3 to 4 times every 30 seconds: After the trap has closed, gently squeeze the sides of the Venus flytrap 3 to 4 times every 30 seconds. This action helps to stimulate the trigger hairs again and initiates the digestive process within the trap.

Remember to monitor the Venus flytrap's health and remove any remains after feeding. Avoid excessive triggering, as it can weaken the traps over time.


To properly water a Venus flytrap and support its root development, follow these steps in brief bullet points:

Use distilled or rainwater: Water the Venus flytrap with distilled or rainwater, as tap water may contain minerals and chemicals that can harm the plant.

Consider pot depth and root development: Plant the Venus flytrap in a pot with sufficient depth. Deeper pots allow the roots to grow longer and reach the bottom to absorb water. This promotes a healthier root system and supports the overall growth of the plant.

Use a peat perlite mixture at the bottom of the pot: Prepare the pot by creating a layer of peat perlite mixture at the bottom. This mixture allows the soil to become moist but not overly saturated. The perlite in the mix aids in both drainage and aeration, promoting healthy root development and oxygen circulation.

Sturdier plant base: As the roots crawl to the bottom of the pot in search of water, they provide support to the Venus flytrap's stem. The longer and stronger the roots become, the sturdier the plant's rise-on or petioles tend to be. This contributes to a healthier and more robust Venus flytrap.

Promote larger traps: A well-developed root system helps the Venus flytrap acquire the necessary nutrients and water from the soil. This nutrient availability supports the development of larger and healthier traps, enhancing the plant's ability to catch prey and thrive

Monitor pot size and repot as needed: Over time, as the Venus flytrap's root system expands, you may need to repot the plant into a larger pot to accommodate its growing needs. This allows the roots to continue their healthy development and ensures the long-term well-being of the Venus flytrap.

Remember to use distilled or rainwater, consider pot depth for root development, use a peat perlite mixture for proper moisture control, promote sturdier plant base, and monitor pot size to support the Venus flytrap's growth and overall health